
[Update - Swimming in bollocks]

You know how someone always makes that one last post, where they apologize for their absence, where they say, "from now on things will be different," and then they never post again? I'm not going to bother with that. I've only swung by blogspot while I set up a personal project, and figured I'd leave a hey-hiyo.

Things have been working well since I left my most recent job. I've been teaching myself a lot of different things, all of which feel uncomfortably boastful to discuss.

My writing has been amping up bit by bit these last few weeks, although not in a very useful manner. But this is what brought me back, and maybe someday I can share this project. Until then, I bid you all good night and good luck. Wear your seatbelt.

1 comment:

John Dowda said...

Ha! Two projects now.